The Worcester Democrats who want politicians to sign a "civility pledge" are behind a last minute political dirty trick. Click HERE for the podcast with Councillor Mike Gaffney and my rant.
Do you know what "WDCC" stands for? That's actually a trick question. It's the abbreviation for Worcester Democratic City Committee. However, WDCC actually translates into McGovern Crime Family and dirty tricks. The two sided card below was mailed to Worcester voters this week and is arriving in many homes with only 3-4 days left until the city's election for City Council and School Committee. Take a look at the bottom of the back side of the card where it says in tiny print, "PAID FOR AND AUTHORIZED BY WDCC." (See below) Would you have known who was behind mailer? Probably not and that's exactly how Joe Petty, Mo Bergman, Kathleen Toomey, Krystian King, Sean Rose, Candy Mero Carlson, George Russell, Sarai Rivera, and Matthew Wally want it. They are all running for city council. Wasn't it nice they let us know that Michael Gaffney and his wife Coreen have endorsed all of them? It's funny to think that these candidates who were already endorsed by the Worcester Democratic City Committee would also receive an endorsement from the head of Worcester's Republican City Committee. This must be the new civility that former Worcester Mayor Joe O'Brien has been pushing with a pledge at
This is no Kumbaya. It's a scum bomb dropped by people who want you to believe that Michael and Coreen Gaffney are endorsing democrats after dropping out of the race. The timing is perfect because there's no time for voters to learn the truth.