There are some really good teachers out there. While some teachers just go through the motions by reading off passages from text books the giving out tests, expecting students to absorb all the information, others go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that their pupils are truly learning the lessons they teach. Veronica Duque is one of them.
The 43-year-old third grade teacher in Spain is going viral because of how committed she is to helping her students learn. When it came to a recent anatomy lesson, rather than pointing at pictures of where organs are in the body, Duque came into her classroom in a full body suit. Her proud husband tweeted out photos of his wife teaching in the suit and they've gone viral.
His Spanish caption translates to "Very proud of this full of ideas woman that I am lucky to have as a wife. Today she taught anatomy to her students in a very original way. The kids went crazy. Hurray Veronica!!!"
Veronica, who has been teaching for 15 years, spoke to Bored Panda about the body suit saying, "I was surfing the internet when an ad of an AliExpress swimsuit popped up. Knowing how hard it is for kids this young to visualize the disposition of internal organs, I thought it was worth giving it a try." It's not her only time going the extra mile for her kids - she stated, "I decided long ago to use disguises for history lessons. I'm also using cardboard crowns for my students to learn grammatical categories such as nouns, adjectives and verbs. Different grammar kingdoms, so to say."
The internet is impressed by her. Comments include, "There's still good teachers out there," and "Damn! I'm a HS Bio teacher and I have mad respect because I wanted to get one of those but they're a couple hundred bucks!"
As for what Veronica wants, she is clear with her message: "I'd like society to stop considering teachers to be lazy bureaucratic public servants. We're certainly not."
Photo: Twitter/MikeMoratinos