My brother has been a deep sea fisherman off the Coast of New England for almost 50 years. Occasionally they pull up items in their nests that are not fish!! A few years back the boat he was working, the Terry Ann was out at Georges Bank. An incredible fishing spot off the East coast of New England.
As they pulled in their catch of fish they noticed this incredible bottle at the bottom of their net and it had been in the ocean a long time, it had become Sea Glass. What’s great about a find like this is there are websites to help you figure out what you have found. This is an old School Desk Inkwell from 1922!!
You can certainly Google and ask for sites that help figure out what bottle you may have but I have found this site to be the best. It helps you identify the unique marks all bottles have they will hopefully lead you to find out what you found like it did this time.
Here is the section on Ink Wells:
Scroll down and you will see the one I have!! How cool is that!!?? Good luck trying to figure out what treasure you have!!