Thanks for checking out my blog. Just a place to check out the Treasures the ocean has to offer and maybe figure what it is and where it came from.
My first piece of sea glass is a Telegraph Insulator. It was actually found by my daughter and given to me for my collection. These were used to insulate the Telegraph line as it went over a pole.
To help figure out what you may have found books and websites can be very helpful. It can help narrow down what type of glass it is and what part of the country had what types of glass. For instance a West Coast Telegraph Company did not dump its used insulators into the Atlantic Ocean they would dump it into the Pacific. All of them give you clues to help figure it out what you have. Like helping figure out the insulator I have is from The New England Tel. & Tel company. They did dump their used insulators off the coast of Massachusetts. The book that helped me figure out what this piece was Pure Sea Glass by Richard Lamontte with the pictures actually showing the exact piece I had was taken by Celia Pierson. Join us every week for a new photo and to join the discussion and show us what you have collected!!
-Sean Davey