It is much easier than a colonoscopy and it can save for life. I'm talking about a cancer screening of your skin by a medical professional. I had one last week and a spot of Anctinic Karatosis (AK) was discovered on my nose. AKs are pre-cancerous proliferations that occur within sun damaged skin. If untreated, AKs can develop into Squamous Cell Carcinoma. I am fortunate that there was no sign of Melanoma or one of the other forms of skin cancer. The spot was painlessly frozen off my nose with liquid nitrogen. Sun exposure, genetics, and family history can all increase your risk for skin cancer. Prevention is important and early detection can identify melanomas in their earliest, most treatable stage. Please talk with your doctor or go to a free skin cancer screening. By the way, I have a colonoscopy scheduled in March and I will share that experience too in the hope that more people will do it.