The Jim Polito Show

The Jim Polito Show

Jim Polito hands out the red pills every weekday morning. He is the antidote to the mainstream media. Jim was an award-winning investigative...Full Bio


POLL: Should Dr. Anthony Fauci be fired?

"Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive." White Coat WastePhoto: White Coat Waste.

#ArrestFauci is trending on Twitter as Dr. Fauci faces criticism for inhumane testing on dogs and new revelations concerning gain of function research. An investigation from the non-profit group White Coat Waste reports that Dr. Anthony Fauci spent tax dollars for brutal experiments on beagles. Now a bipartisan group of 24 lawmakers are calling for Dr. Fauci to be held accountable for these bizarre and cruel experiments. Last week, the NIH announced that gain of function research on the Covid virus was conducted at the Wuhan Institute and tax dollars paid for the controversial research. Fauci has repeated denied that research existed. Is it time for him to go? Click below to vote in the poll.

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