The Jim Polito Show

The Jim Polito Show

Jim Polito hands out the red pills every weekday morning. He is the antidote to the mainstream media. Jim was an award-winning investigative...Full Bio


Please allow me to explain how Navy Veteran Frank Musci saved the world.

Frank Musci

Photo: Jim Polito

Frank Musci saved the world. I would tell him that and thank him every time I called or visited him at Oakdale Rehab and Skilled Nursing Center. They were always the last words I would say to him. I won't ever be able to say them to him again, but I want you all to know it is true. He saved the world and never accepted credit for it. Frank passed away last week, peacefully. He was laid to rest last Friday, just before his 97th birthday. He was one of the few surviving greats of the greatest generation. Exactly 76 years ago today, August 9th, 1945, Frank was on board the USS Auburn in the Pacific as the second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. He was a navy radio operator and would often receive important news like that before it made it to the officers on the bridge. Five days later, the Japanese agreed to an unconditional surrender. Frank told me it was the happiest day of his life. If you knew Frank, you'd know that he lived every day of his life, grateful for returning home safely. His smile and laugh were nearly constant and infectious. He was a devoted husband and father. But his service did not end when he was honorably discharged from the Navy. Click below to hear why in my podcast.

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