Rep. Jim McGovern (D, Worcester) whispers in the ear of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. (2003)Photo: (Getty Images)
Congressman Jim McGovern is either ignorant of the evils of communist dictatorships or he's a Marxist sympathizer. These are the only two choices to define what I have coined as his fetish or obsession with communist despots and revolutionaries in the Caribbean and South/Central America. Right now, brave Cubans risk their lives by marching with American flags in protest of an oppressive and murderous regime. Conditions in Cuba have deteriorated to a point where people are desperate enough to challenge the totalitarian state. There have not been widespread protests and open defiance like this in Cuba since 1994. Instead of seizing the opportunity to show support for these freedom fighters, McGovern is again blaming the US for the suffering in Cuba. Click on the podcast below for the definitive explanation and exposure of Jim McGovern's "relationship" with communism.