The Jim Polito Show

The Jim Polito Show

Jim Polito hands out the red pills every weekday morning. He is the antidote to the mainstream media. Jim was an award-winning investigative...Full Bio


Flying This Flag Today Is The Least I Can Do To Honor POW's.

In 1984, a movement led by former POWs began seeking a day recognizing for former Prisoners of War on April 9th each year. In 1988, Congress approved legislation setting April 9th to commemorate the date the tragic number of captives POW's were taken prisoner on Bataan. (Bataan Death March) President Ronald Reagan proclaimed National Former Prisoners of War Recognition Day on April 1, 1988, through Presidential Proclamation 5788. He set the observance for April 9, 1988. Since then, through legislation and Presidential Proclamations, the observance carries on. Click the embedded links to learn more.

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