“He was a lifelong Democrat, whose other major regret was that cancer prevented him from seeing the downfall of Donald Trump and all that he stood for.“
The above quote comes from Anthony Mott’s obituary. If you don’t believe me, read it HERE. The 81 year old East Longmeadow resident died on June 20th after a brief battle with cancer. This is further proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome lives on after death.
Political commentary is one of my greatest passions, but it’s not my entire life. If I were to suddenly drop dead, don’t expect any parting shots at Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, or Elizabeth Warren in my obituary.
Anthony Mott is survived by a large and loving family. He made many positive contributions to the quality of local healthcare through his near two decades stewardship of Baystate Health.
I pray that Anthony will rest in eternal peace despite the huuuuge and continued success of the Trump administration.