Hollywood hypocrites still stand and clap for Polanski, but turn their backs and deny knowing anything about Weinstein.
In 1977, Hollywood's Roman Polanski pleaded guilty to raping a 13-year-old girl. It is a fact that he drugged and raped an innocent child. He fled to France to avoid going to jail. Polanski's criminal perversion has not cost him any work or adulation in Hollywood. He continues to make movies. In 2003 he won Best Director Oscar for "The Pianist." The Hollywood phonies stood and cheered for him. Harrison Ford personally and proudly delivered the statuette to Polanski in France six months after the award ceremony.
Last month, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences swiftly expelled Harvey Weinstein as allegations of harassment and assault piled up. The Academy said Weinstein no longer deserved the respect of his colleagues. The organization's board said they wanted “to send a message that the era of willful ignorance and shameful complicity in sexually predatory behavior and workplace harassment in our industry is over.” How can that statement mean anything when Roman Polanski has played the same role in Hollywood as Weinstein. Actually, Polanski has admitted to being a rapist. Weinstein still claims all of his sexual behavior was consensual.
Polanski also has been accused of other sexual misconduct, but he's still a member in good standing of The Academy. A woman who claims she was molested by Polanski when she was 10 years old has created a petition urging The Academy to dump Polanski from their ranks.
Click HERE to read her story and sign the petition.