How can Worcester Regional Chamber CEO Tim Murray advocate for business when he's in the pocket of an anti-business Congressman?
The picture below pretty much sums up the relationship between Tim Murray and the head of the McGovern Crime Family. Tim Murray landed in a $250K a year job heading the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce because Congressman Jim McGovern made it happen with his political clout. Who was going to hire a corrupt politician who took dirty campaign money and had to resign in disgrace from the Lieutenant Governor's post? No one. Who would continue to employ a business advocate who has done nothing to reduce the local commercial tax rate? No one. In other words, Congressman Jim McGovern owns Tim Murray.
Check out this recent Facebook post from Murray praising McGovern. I don't have any issue with recognizing the Congressman when he does something right, but why doesn't Murray call him out when he does something wrong?
The graph below represents Congressman Jim McGovern's rating by the United States Chamber of Commerce. Clearly, the US Chamber believes McGovern only supports small businesses and entrepreneurs about a third of the time he votes on policy. In other words, during his tenure in Congress, McGovern has received a failing grade (34%) on matters of business. Meanwhile, the AFL-CIO unions have awarded McGovern a 98% lifetime grade for voting with organized labor.
When you stack up McGovern against the rest of the Massachusetts delegation he's tied for next to last. Springfield's Slippery Neal has the same cumulative score as McGovern, but at least Congressman Richard Neal received a passing grade in 2016.
Today is Start-Up Day Across America. In 2013, Representatives Jared Polis (D-CO) and Darrell Issa (R-CA) founded Startup Day Across America to open a channel of discussion between small business owners and their representatives to illustrate the difficulties they face. Both Democrat and Republican members of Congress come together to show bipartisan support. Congressman Seth Moulton (D-MA) and Niki Tsongas (D-MA) are the only two members of the state's delegation who are lending their names to the effort.
Congressman Jim McGovern chose to not participate in the bipartisan event to open lines of communication between government and business. McGovern doesn't need to talk to businesses, he's got Murray wrapped around his finger and Tim would never bite the hand that feeds him.