Last week, US Marine Corps Veteran Leo Marshall brought his family to Six Flags New England for a day of fun, excitement and relaxation. Perhaps it was that excitement that caused him to forget to close all the windows in his minivan. Someone parked nearby noticed the windows were open just as the skies opened with pouring rain. The good Samaritan stuffed some old wrapping paper in the window to spare the family from a soggy seats on their ride home to New Hampshire. Now the Marine Vet wants to find this kind person and offer them a salute. Here's what he wrote to NewsRadio 560 WHYN:
"Hi Folks! I was at six flags today and a very nice thing happened. I left my windows open in my van while we were in the park, and those big storms hit. I was sick to my stomach knowing I left my windows down. When we got to the van, my windows were covered with wrapping paper, protecting the inside of my van! Inside on my seat was a lovely note. It said,"I parked next to you in a Jeep, you left windows open. This is all I had. Enjoy your trip! Tiffany It was such an incredible gesture by a total stranger, going out of her way to help others out! My family and I want to find her, and meet her, and reward her for her great act of kindness! Can you help us out? Sincerely, Leo Marshall, New Hampshire."
Wouldn't it be great to connect this family and this very kind soul? Please share this blog or Leo's Facebook post by clicking on it below. You can also email Leo at: