Radical leftist Democrat Congressman Jim McGovern (D-Worcester) pays more attention to an isolated attack on Muslims than mass murder by Muslims.
An Islamist terrorist suicide bomber slaughters 22 people, including children, as they leave a concert hall in Manchester, England. Congressman Jim McGovern acknowledges the carnage with a lame retweet of a Nancy Pelosi statement.
A drunk and crazed white supremacist named Jeremy Christian reportedly stabs two men to death and injures a third who tried to defend two women from his alleged anti-Muslim tirade in Portland. McGovern retweets a story on the incident and says he's, "Heartbroken by #PortlandStabbing & praying for families of brave men who courageously stood up to hate. We will never forget them."
This is typical of the imbalanced reaction of liberals to Islamist inspired acts of hate.