California is already struggling to pay its unemployment insurance and has been taking out federal loans — aka YOUR tax dollars — to pay unemployed residents. Now, California's legislature has passed a bill that would give striking writers, actors, and other union members unemployment insurance. Glenn warns that this ridiculous system would practically allow people to strike forever on YOUR dime. Is the Biden administration okay with this? Because if Gov. Gavin Newsom signs this bill, the state will probably ask for a lot more money from the federal government. Will your tax dollar pay for the unions? And even worse ... will your tax dollar bail out California's far-left welfare state?
TranscriptBelow is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Now, let me tell you two other things that are going on. In California, you also have California, now struggling. They can't pay their unemployment insurance.
Because they've been in the hole, forever.
With this. They've been taking out low-interest loans, from us. The United States government.
Your tax dollars have gone to pay for the unemployment insurance of the state of California. Because they can't balance a budget.
They can't get it done.
So they're paying us, low interest on the loans.
Do you think that's ever going to be paid back?
Here's what they're doing now. California's far left government, is now working with the Biden administration, to bail out striking Hollywood actors. On your dime.
This is happening. California's ultra liberal leaders are on the verge of giving unemployment payments now, to striking Hollywood actors and writers.
Both houses of the legislature, passed a bill to that effect, this week, it only needs Gavin Newsom's signature. And do you think he's not going to sign that? So here's what you have: You have unions who are taking all of this money, from all of their union members.
And part of the deal is: If you have a job, and the union says, we have to strike. Then you're going to get a portion of your pay.
The union will help you out.
But you can't get unemployment insurance. Because you are employed. All you have to do is go back to work. If you're paying people to strike from the union. And also get unemployment insurance. You can strike forever. See, the idea is: Which one is going to fold first? Is it going to be the labor union, or is it going to be the business? Which one -- and it hurts both sides. And so beet are incentivized to get to the table. Would you be for bailing out the giant Hollywood moguls. And the studios. I wouldn't be for that. No, you can't make it work. You can't make it work.
It's your choice. So why are we bailing out the union workers?
Why are we bailing out California, who now cannot making its own payments on insurance for everybody else. Unemployment insurance.
Can't do it.
They're in the hole.
Now they want to add unions to that.
And what happens, when it happens in California?
You think it's not going to happen in Michigan?
You will be paying for the unions. But that's what happens, when you have over $2 billion going into Joe Biden's campaign, from the labor unions.
He's the most labor-friendly president of all time.
Oh, by the way, so you get Gavin Newsom's signature. That's happening. Then what has to happen?
Well, then, it's just because it's the administration. So does the president need to act?
No. It's in the secretary's purview. So the Secretary of Labor, has to make this decision on how to spend our tax dollars. So the Secretary of Labor has to personally approve the request.
Now, who is this? Well, she's the acting secretary for the administration. Because the Congress won't approve her. So they're just going ahead with it anyway. Go ahead. Take the job. And you're just acting. You're not, actually, the secretary.
Why won't Congress approve her?
Because she was the one who came from California, and was in charge of the state's unemployment program. She oversaw $32 billion in fraudulent payments, occurring the pandemic.
Time for a promotion.
That's my red line. My red line has always been, I'm not bailing out California. I'm not bailing it out.
I'm not bailing out any of these perform
I've always wanted to live in California. You know why I didn't?
Because it was insane. I knew it wouldn't work. I didn't want to spend all of my money. Paying for taxes, for things I knew would only make society worse. And knew it would collapse at some point.
So I never got the beach of California.
And yet, now I have to pay for their mistakes?
How do you feel about that, Alabama? How do you feel about that Michigan? You probably like it, at least if you're a politician. Because, you know, your state will need it. Another reason not to live in Chicago. It wouldn't work!